
Peer-reviewed Papers

37.長谷川 健, 柴田 翔平, 小林 哲夫, 望月 伸竜, 中川 光弘, 岸本 博志,北海道東部,摩周火山の7.6kaカルデラ形成噴火過程:地質学・岩石学・古地磁気学的手法による高分解能推移復元とLow aspect ratio ignimbrite(LARI)の認定, 火山, 66, 187-210, 2021.
36. 穴井 千里, 宮縁 育夫, 宇津木 充, 吉川 慎, 望月 伸竜, 渋谷 秀敏, 大倉 敬宏, 古地磁気・岩石磁気学的手法を用いた阿蘇火山中岳火口周辺域の完新世噴出物の分類と噴火年代の再検討, 66, 171-186, 2021.
35. Nobutatsu Mochizuki, Satomu Fujii, Takeshi Hasegawa, Yuhji Yamamoto, Tadahiro Hatakeyama, Daisuke Yamashita, Makoto Okada, Hidetoshi Shibuya, A tephra-based approach to calibrating relative geomagnetic paleointensity stacks to absolute values, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 572, 117119, 2021.
34. Shoji Arai, Chihiro Hoshikawa, Makoto Miura, Jun-ichi Ando, Satoko Ishimaru, Nobutatsu Mochizuki, Akihiro Tamura, Dehydrogenation of deep-seated hydrous olivine in “black-colored” dunites of arc origin, Lithos, 384?385, 105967, 2021.
33. Tadao Nishiyama, Hibiki Eguchi, Dai Shiosaki, Akira Yoshiasa, Nobutatsu Mochizuki, Yasushi Mori, Kazumasa Sugiyama, Hiroshi Arima, Kunio Yubuta, Spinifex-like textured metaperidotites from the Higo Metamorphic Rocks, Japan, a possible high-pressure dehydration product of antigorite serpentinite, Island Arc.,30, e12382, 2021.
32. Sato, M., Terada, T., Mochizuki, N., Tsunakawa, H., Experimental evaluation of remanence carriers using the microcoercivity‐unblocking temperature diagram, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 2019.
31. Singer, B. S., Jicha, B. R., Mochizuki, N., Coe, R. S., Synchronizing volcanic, sedimentary, and ice core records of Earth’s last magnetic polarity reversal, Science Advances, 5(8): eaaw4621, 2019. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw4621
30. Okayama, K., Mochizuki, N., Wada, Y., Otofuji, Y., Low absolute paleointensity during Late Miocene Noma excursion of the Earth's magnetic field, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 287, 10-20, 2019.
29. Anai, C., Mochizuki, N., Shibuya, H., Reductive chemical demagnetization: A new approach to magnetic cleaning and a case study of reef limestones, Earth Planets and Space, 70, 184, 2018.
28. Sato, M., Y. Yamamoto, T. Nishioka, K. Kodama, N. Mochizuki, M. Ushioda, R. Nakada, H. Tsunakawa, Constraints on the source of the Martian magnetic anomalies inferred from relaxation time of remanent magnetization, Geophy. Res. Lett., 45, 6417?6427,, 2018.
27. Hatakeyama, T., Kitahara, Y., Yokoyama, S., Kameda, S., Shiraishi, J., Tokusawa, K., Mochizuki, N., Magnetic survey of archaeological kiln sites with Overhauser magnetometer: A case study of buried Sue ware kilns in Japan, J. Archaeological Science: Report, 18, 568?576, 2018.
26. 長谷川健,望月伸竜,大岩根尚,堆積物から超大規模噴火の継続時間を読み取る方法,地学雑誌,127(2), 273?288, doi:10.5026/jgeography.127.273, 2018.
25. 穴井千里,渋谷秀敏,望月伸竜,宮古島に分布する琉球層群の磁気層序,地質学雑誌, 123 (12), 1035?1048, 2017.
24. Ishizuka, O., R. N. Taylor, N. Geshi, N. Mochizuki, Large-volume lateral magma transport from the Mull volcano: An insight to magma chamber processes, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18, doi:10.1002/2016GC006712, 2017.
23. Sato, M., N. Mochizuki, M. Watanabe, H. Tsunakawa, Composition law of oblique anhysteretic remanent magnetization and its relation to the magnetostatic interaction, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18(3), 1043?1052, doi:10.1002/2016GC006671, 2017.
22. Sato, M., Y. Yamamoto, T. Nishioka, K. Kodama, N. Mochizuki, H. Tsunakawa, Hydrostatic pressure effect on magnetic hysteresis parameters of pseudo-single-domain magnetite, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, 2825?2834, doi:10.1002/2016GC006406, 2016.
21. Sato, M., Y. Yamamoto, T. Nishioka, K. Kodama, N. Mochizuki, Y. Usui, H. Tsunakawa, Pressure effect on magnetic hysteresis parameters of single-domain magnetite contained in natural plagioclase crystal, Geophys. J. Int., 202, 394?401, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv154, 2015.
20. Fujii, M., K. Okino, C. Honsho, J. Dyment, F. Szitkar, N. Mochizuki, M. Asada, High-Resolution Magnetic Signature of Active Hydrothermal Systems in the Back-Arc Spreading Region of the Southern Mariana Trough, J. Geophys. Res., Solid Earth, 120, 2821?2837, doi:10.1002/2014JB011714, 2015.
19. Asada, M., Yoshikawa, S., Mochizuki, N., Nogi, Y., Okino, K, Examination of Volcanic Activity: Auv and Submersible Observations of Fine-Scale Lava Llow Distributions Along the Southern Mariana Trough Spreading Axis, Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept, 469-478, 2015.
18. Asada, M., Yoshikawa, S., Mochizuki, N., Nogi, Y., Okino, K, Brief Report of Side-Scan Sonar Imagery Observations of the Archaean, Pika, and Urashima Hydrothermal Sites, Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept, 479-487, 2015.
17. Toyoda, S., Banerjee, D., Kumagai, H., Miyazaki, J., Ishibashi, J.-I, Mochizuki, N., Kojima, S., Gamma ray doses in water around sea floor hydrothermal area in the Southern Mariana trough, Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept, 603-606, 2015.
16. Sato, M., K. Seita, T. Miyagawa, N. Mochizuki, T. Kogiso, H. Tsunakawa, Basic properties of transition remanent magnetizations of magnetite in relation to the ambient field using granite samples, Geophys. J. Int., 200, 25?34, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu371, 2015.
15. Sato, M., Y. Yamamoto, T. Nishioka, K. Kodama, N. Mochizuki, H. Tsunakawa, Hydrostatic pressure effect on magnetic hysteresis parameters of multidomain magnetite: Implication for crustal magnetization, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 233, 33?40, 2014.
14. Mochizuki, N., T. Maruuchi, Y. Yamamoto, and H. Shibuya, Multi-level consistency tests in paleointensity determinations from the welded tuffs of the Aso pyroclastic-flow deposits, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 223, 40?54, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2013.05.001, 2013.
13. Nakamura, K., T. Toki, N. Mochizuki, M. Asada, J. Ishibashi, Y. Nogi, S. Yoshikawa, and K. Okino, Discovery of a new hydrothermal vent based on an underwater, high-resolution geophysical survey, Deep-Sea Research I, 74, 1?10, 2013.
12. Hoffman, K. A., and N. Mochizuki, Evidence of a partitioned dynamo reversal process from paleomagnetic recordings in Tahitian lavas, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L06303, doi:10.1029/2011GL050830, 2012.
11. Sato, M., Y. Yamamoto, T. Nishioka, K. Kodama, N. Mochizuki, and H. Tsunakawa, Pressure effect on the low-temperature remanences of multidomain magnetite: Change in the Verwey transition temperature due to high pressure, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L04305, doi:10.1029/2011GL050402, 2012.
10. Mochizuki, N., H. Oda, O. Ishizuka, T. Yamazaki, and H. Tsunakawa, Paleointensity variation across the Matuyama-Brunhes polarity transition: Observations from lavas at Punaruu Valley, Tahiti, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B06103, doi:10.1029/2010JB008093, 2011.
9. Tsunakawa, H., K. Wakabayashi, N. Mochizuki, Y. Yamamoto, K. Ishizaka, T. Hirata, F. Takahashi, and K. Seita, Paleointensity study of the middle Cretaceous Iritono granite in northeast Japan: Implication for high field intensity of the Cretaceous normal superchron, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 176, 235?242, 2009.
8. Takahashi, F., H. Tsunakawa, M. Matsushima, N. Mochizuki, and Y. Honkura, Effects of thermally heterogeneous structure in the lowermost mantle on the geomagnetic field strength, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 272, 738?746, 2008.
7. Mochizuki, N., H. Tsunakawa, H. Shibuya, T. Tagami, A. Ozawa, and I.E.M. Smith, Further K-Ar dating and paleomagnetic study of the Auckland geomagnetic excursions, Earth Planet. Space, 59, 755?761, 2007.
6. Wakabayashi, K., H. Tsunakawa, N. Mochizuki, Y. Yamamoto, and Y. Takigami, Paleomagnetism of the middle Cretaceous Iritono granite in the Abukuma region, northeast Japan, Tectonophys., 421, 161?171, 2006.
5. Mochizuki, N., H. Tsunakawa, H. Shibuya, J. Cassidy, and I.E.M. Smith, Palaeointensities of the Auckland geomagnetic excursions by the LTD-DHT Shaw method, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 154, 168?179, 2006.
4. 望月伸竜,綱川秀夫,地磁気逆転開始期の地球磁場変動,地学雑誌, 114(2), 194?200, 2005(in Japanese with English abstract).
3. Oishi, Y., H. Tsunakawa, N. Mochizuki, Y. Yamamoto, K. Wakabayashi, and H. Shibuya, Validity of the LTD-DHT Shaw and Thellier palaeointensity methods: A case study of the Kilauea 1970 lava, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 149, 243?257, 2005.
2. Mochizuki, N., H. Tsunakawa, Y. Oishi, S. Wakai, K. Wakabayashi, and Y. Yamamoto, Palaeointensity study of the Oshima 1986 lava in Japan: implications for the reliability of the Thellier and LTD-DHT Shaw methods, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 146, 395?416, 2004. (Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., Most cited paper 2004-2007 award)
1. Mochizuki, N., H. Tsunakawa, H. Shibuya, T. Tagami, A. Ozawa, J. Cassidy, and I.E.M. Smith, K-Ar ages of the Auckland geomagnetic excursions, Earth Planet. Space, 56, 283?288, 2004.

Non-peer-reviewed Papers

4. 望月伸竜, 絶対古地磁気強度とテフロクロノロジー: 相対古地磁気強度変動曲線の絶対値較正へ向けて, 月刊地球, 63, 130?135, 2014.
3. 山崎俊嗣,高橋太,山本裕二,望月伸竜,金松敏也,菅沼悠介,原田靖,小田啓邦,川村紀子, 2013年以降の次期IODPにおける古地磁気学の課題, 月刊地球, 32(2), 104?107, 2010 (in Japanese).
2. 綱川秀夫,望月伸竜,高橋太,地球ダイナミクスが生み出す地磁気, まぐね, 3(7), 298?305, 2008 (in Japanese).
1. 望月伸竜, 3本脚クリノメータ~定方位サンプリング方法の紹介~, 地質ニュース, 641,67?68, 2008 (in Japanese).