熊本大学 理学部


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  • 熊本大学大学院先端科学研究部基礎科学部門総合理学分野(数学)准教授の公募について
    Academic Job Announcement for an Associate Professor Position (Mathematics)

Academic Job Announcement for an Associate Professor Position (Mathematics)

1.募集職名・人員 准教授 1名
2.所属 熊本大学大学院先端科学研究部基礎科学部門総合理学分野
教育学部数学科教育講座  併任
3.専門分野 数学(解析学および関連分野)
4.職務内容 (1)学部(教育学部):解析学関連科目,教育学部共通科目,教養教育科目
5.着任時期 令和7年8月1日以降のなるべく早い時期
(1) 博士あるいはPh.D.の学位を有する方
(2) 優れた研究業績を有する方
(3) 学部及び大学院における教育・研究並びに大学運営に対して熱意を有する方
(4) 数学教育に熱意を持ち,教育学部における授業担当が可能な方
(5) 学内外における諸業務の遂行が可能な日本語能力を有する方(例えば、JLPT N3レベル以上)
(1) 履歴書(男女を問わず、出産、育児、介護に専念(あるいは従事)した期間について考慮されることを希望する場合は、付記してください。)
(2) 研究業績リスト
(3) 主要論文の別刷(コピー可)
(4) これまでの研究業績と今後の研究計画
(5) これまでの教育経験および教育に対する抱負(1,200字程度)
(6) 外部資金獲得状況などその他の業績
(7) 応募者について照会できる方2〜3名の氏名と連絡先
(8) 申告書(様式有)
8.応募期限 令和7年3月21日(金)必着
9.提出方法 封筒の表に「教員応募書類在中」と朱書きし、下記宛てにゆうパック、レターパックなど送付到着が確認できる方法でお送り下さい。また、提出書類をpdf形式で保存したファイルを含むメディア(CD/DVDやUSBメモリなど)も同時に提出して下さい。
10.応募書類提出先および問い合わせ先 〒860−8555 熊本市中央区黒髪2−40−1
教育学部数学科教育講座主任 中川泰宏
11.選考方法 第一次選考 書類審査
第二次選考 面接審査
(1)職務内容: (雇入れ直後)准教授としての業務に従事する
(2)勤務形態: 同意に基づく専門業務型裁量労働制
(3)任期の定め: なし
(4)試用期間 : 6か月
(5)勤務場所: (雇入れ直後)熊本大学黒髪地区
(6)時間外労働: 時間外、深夜、休日労働の有無 有
(7)賃金等: 国立大学法人熊本大学2号年俸制適用職員給与規則に定めるところによる。
(8)社会保険: 文部科学省共済組合、雇用保険及び労災保険に加入
(9)雇用者: 国立大学法人熊本大学
(1) 応募書類に含まれる個人情報は、本人事選考のみに使用し、他の目的には一切使用しません。応募書類は返却いたしません。
(2) 熊本大学はダイバーシティを推進しています。 詳細はホームページをご覧ください。
(3) 選考に当たっては、「男女雇用機会均等法」第 8 条(女性労働者に係る措置に関する特例)の規定に基づき、女性教員の在籍率を改善するための措置として、公正な評価に基づき職務に必要とされている能力が同等と認められる場合は、女性を優先的に採用します。

1. Name and Number of Positions: Associate Professor (full-time), one position
2. Affiliation Division of Natural Science, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
3. Field of Research: Mathematics (Analysis and related topics)
4. Responsibilities
(1) Provide research guidance and lectures on Mathematics at the Graduate School of Science and Technology.
(2) Provide research guidance and lectures on Mathematics at the Faculty of Education (undergraduate course).
(3) Other lectures on Mathematics in general education courses.
5. Starting Date of Appointment: Earliest possible date after August 1st, 2025
6. Candidate Qualifications:
(1) PhD or an equivalent holder
(2) Excellent research achievements
(3) High motivation in education, research, and university management
(4) Sufficient capability and motivation for undergraduate mathematics education
(5) Non-Japanese speakers should have Japanese proficiency (e.g., Japanese proficiency equivalent to JLPT N3 or higher) to perform various duties inside and outside of Kumamoto University.
7. Required Documents for Application: All the following documents should be prepared in A4 or letter size:
(1) Curriculum vitae (CV)/resume (any form/format is acceptable)
Include the applicant's photograph, current physical address, and email address.
Specify any period when you were on special leave, including but not limited to maternity, child,family, or nursing care, that you wish to be considered during the candidate review.
(2) Research biography and publications:
List separately peer-reviewed journal papers, international conference papers, oral presentations (only invited presentations), books, educational accomplishments, and external research funding (e.g., KAKENHI, industry-university joint research funding, or other grants). Describe all the co-authors and underline on the applicant. Please mark ○ on papers in which you have responsibility or major contribution. Moreover, please indicate whether you were the principal investigator or coinvestigator of a grant, patent, or other funding items.
(3) Reprints or copies of representative papers
(4) Outline of research to date and aspirations for research
(5) Outline of education to date and aspirations for education (approximately 600 words)
(6) List of references (two or three references)
Names, affiliations, and contact information, including email addresses and telephone numbers of reference(s).
(7) A declaration form:
A template for the declaration form is available on the university website.
8. Deadline: March 21st, 2025
9. Document Submission: All the required documents should be sent by registered mail to the address below. Please write "Application documents for Faculty members in Science" in red on the front cover of the registered mail envelope/parcel.
Please also send a CD/DVD or USB memory stick containing a PDF file of the required documents.
10. Document Submission Address and Contact Information: NAKAGAWA Yasuhiro
Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology,
Kumamoto University
2-40-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto
860-8555 Japan
Email: yasunaka@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
11. Screening Process: Preliminary Screening: Document Review
Secondary Screening: Interview

We will conduct in-person or remote interviews. Any costs related to the interviews, such as transportation and accommodation expenses, will not be reimbursed by Kumamoto University. Details will be announced after the preliminary screening.
12. Working Conditions:
(1) Content: Immediately after employment: Engaged in work as an Associate Professor
Subject to change: Specified by Kumamoto University
(2) Working Hours: Discretionary labor systems for professional work based on consent.
Working hours will be left to the discretion of the employee, with working
hours per day deemed 7 hours and 45 minutes.
(3) Terms of Employment: Not fixed
(4) Probationary Period: Six months
(5) Work Location: Immediately after employment: Kurokami Campus, Kumamoto University
Subject to change: Specified by Kumamoto University
(6) Overtime Work: Overtime, late-night, or holiday work may be required
(7) Wages: As set forth in the Kumamoto University Regulations on Salary for Employees
Subject to the Annual Salary System (2nd category)
(8) Social Insurance: Health insurance from the Mutual Aid Association of MEXT, employment
insurance, and workers' compensation insurance
(9) Employer: Kumamoto University
13. Remarks:
(1) Personal information provided in the application documents will be used solely for the selection process and will not be used for any other purpose, in accordance with the regulations of the National University Corporation, Kumamoto University. Application documents and submitted materials will not be returned.
(2) Kumamoto University promotes diversity.
Please refer to the following URL for child-rearing support and gender equality initiatives at Kumamoto University: https://diversity.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/activities
(3) When evaluating performance, we ensure that applicants are not at a disadvantage with respect to maternity leave, childcare/nursing care leave, or short working hours for childcare/nursing care.
(4) Based on the provisions of Article 8 of the Act on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Treatment for Men and Women in the Field of Employment, to improve the enrollment rate of female teachers, we preferentially hire women if their required abilities are recognized as equivalent.