Workshop on Automorphic Forms at Kumamoto
Date:January 7th(Wed)10:00~8th(Thu)12:30
Venue:Room D401, Faculty of Science Bldg.3, Kumamoto University
Tadashi Ochiai(Osaka University)
Hidenori Katsurada(Muroran Institute of Technology)
Siegfried Boecherer(Universitaet Mannheim)
Atsushi Murase(Kyoto Sangyo Univeristy)
Masao Tsuzuki(Sophia
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama(Osaka University)
The Aim of this
Every speaker
gives a survey talk mainly on the arithmetic of automorphic
forms. The aim of the workshop is to overview known results and latest
progresses and to discuss or propose problems in future.
Financial Support:
This workshop is
supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A-23244003(Principal
Investigator:Takayuki Oda)
Organizer:Hiro-aki Narita(Department of Mathematics, Kumamoto University)