著書・論文リスト 原岡喜重(Yoshishige HARAOKA)


  1. 数学っておもしろい,日本評論社,2001 (編著).
  2. 超幾何関数,すうがくの風景7,朝倉書店,2002.
  3. 教程 微分積分,日本評論社,2004.
  4. なるほど高校数学 三角関数の物語,ブルーバックス,講談社,2005.
  5. この数学書がおもしろい,数学書房,2006(分担執筆).
  6. 微分方程式,数学書房,2006;増補版 2016. 訂正一覧
  7. 多変数の微分積分,理科系の数学入門3,日本評論社,2008.
  8. なるほど高校数学 ベクトルの物語,ブルーバックス,講談社,2008.
  9. オイラーの公式がわかる,ブルーバックス,講談社,2013.
  10. 複素領域における線形微分方程式,数学書房,2015. 訂正一覧
  11. はじめての解析学,ブルーバックス,講談社,2018.
  12. Linear differential equations in the complex domain, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2271, Springer, 2020.
  13. 解析学基礎,共立出版,2021.


  1. Theorems of Sibuya-Malgrange type for Gevrey functions of several variables, Funk. Ekvac., 32 (1989), 365-388.
  2. The Galois theory for linear homogeneous partial differential equations of the first order, Funk. Ekvac., 33 (1990), 79-126.
  3. G-primitive extensions for linear ordinary differential equations, Kumamoto J. Math., 3 (1990), 1-9.
  4. The generalized confluent hypergeometric functions (with Hironobu Kimura and Kyoichi Takano), Proc. Japan Acad. 68, Ser. A (1992), 290-295.
  5. Contiguity relations of generalized confluent hypergeometric functions (with Hironobu Kimura), Proc. Japan Acad. 69, Ser. A (1993), 105-110.
  6. On confluences of the general hypergeometric systems (with Hironobu Kimura and Kyoichi Takano), Proc. Japan Acad. 69, Ser. A (1993), 99-104.
  7. On contiguity relations of the confluent hypergeometric systems (with Hironobu Kimura and Kyoichi Takano), Proc. Japan Acad. 70, Ser. A (1994), 47-49.
  8. Finite monodromy of Pochhammer equation, Ann. Inst. Fourier, 44 (1994), 767-810.
  9. Canonical forms of differential equations free from accessory parameters, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 25 (1994), 1203-1226.
  10. Monodromy representations of systems of differential equations free from accessory parameters, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 25 (1994), 1595-1621.
  11. Irreducibility of accessory parameter free systems, Kumamoto J. Math., 8 (1995), 153-170.
  12. Confluence of cycles for hypergeometric functions on Z2, n+1, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 349 (1997), 675-712.
  13. Monodromy of an Okubo system with non-semisimple exponents, Funk. Ekvac., 40 (1997), 435-457.
  14. Quadratic relations for confluent hypergeometric functions on Z2, n+1, Funk. Ekvac., 42 (1999), 435-490.
  15. On rigidity of Pfaffian systems coming from Okubo systems (with Toshiaki Yokoyama), Kyushu J. Math., 55 (2001), 189-205.
  16. Integral representations of solutions of differential equations free from accessory parameters, Adv. Math., 169 (2002), 187-240.
  17. Evaluation of Stokes multipliers for a certain system of differential equations corresponding to a rigid local system, Funk. Ekvac., 46 (2003), 187-211.
  18. On confluences of hypergeometric integrals, Kumamoto J. Math., 17 (2004), 1-8.
  19. Construction of rigid local systems and integral representations of their sections (with Toshiaki Yokoyama), Math. Nachr., 279 (2006), 255-271.
  20. Middle convolution and deformation for Fuchsian systems (with Galina Filipuk), J. London Math. Soc. 76 (2007), 438-450.
  21. Rigidity for Appell's hypergeometric series F4 (with Youichi Ueno), Funk. Ekvac. 51 (2008), 149-164. Correction
  22. Studies on deformation of Fuchsian systems from the viewpoint of rigidity, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B5 (2008), 51-60.
  23. Generating systems for finite irreducible complex reflection groups (with Mitsuo Kato), Funk. Ekvac., 53 (2010), 435-488.
  24. A connection problem for Simpson's even family of rank four (with Katsuhisa Mimachi), Funk. Ekvac. 54 (2011), 495-515. Correction
  25. Middle convolution for completely integrable systems with logarithmic singularities along hyperplane arrangements, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 62 (2012), 109-136.
  26. Topological theory for Selberg type integral associated with rigid Fuchsian systems (with Sho Hamaguchi), Math. Ann., 353 (2012), 1239-1271.
  27. Regular coordinates and reduction of deformation equations for Fuchsian systems, Banach Center Publications, 97 (2012), 39-58.
  28. Prolongability of ordinary differential equations, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 20 Supplement 1 (2013), 70-84.
  29. Rigidity of monodromies for Appell's hypergeometric functions (with Tatsuya Kikukawa), Opuscula Mathematica, 35 (2015), 567-594.
  30. Symmetric differential polynomials (with Kousuke Iida), Kumamoto J. Math., 30 (2017), 7-14.
  31. Holonomic Systems, "Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations", Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, 2017, 59-87.
  32. Connection problem for regular holonomic systems in several variables, ibid, 337-350.
  33. Three-dimensional representations of braid groups associated with some finite complex reflection groups (with Toshiya Matsumura), Int. J. Math., 28, 1750109 (2017) [44 pages].
  34. Rigid Fuchsian systems in 2-dimensional conformal field theories (with Vladimir Belavin and Raoul Santachiara), Commun. Math. Phys., 365 (2019), 17-60, DOI 10.1007/s00220-018-3274-x
  35. Multiplicative middle convolution for KZ equations, Math. Z., 294 (2020), 1787-1839, DOI 10.1007/s00209-019-02322-9
  36. On Oshima's middle convolution, Josai Mathematical Monographs, 12 (2020), 19-51
  37. Complete list of connection relations for Gauss hypergeometric differential equation, Kumamoto J. Math. 35 (2022), 1-60.


  1. 「関数たちの世界」数学セミナー1998年7月号
  2. 研究室訪問 熊本大学 原岡研究室,数学セミナー1999年12月号
  3. 「弦の音,太鼓の音」数学セミナー2000年7月号(「大学でどのような数学を学ぶのか」日本評論社,2002年,にも収録)
  4. 「数学的帰納法」数学セミナー2001年8月号
  5. 「解を見る--解析のたのしみ方」数学セミナー2003年9月号
  6. 「微分方程式と特殊函数」数学セミナー2007年3月号
  7. 「大域解析可能なFuchs型方程式」数学,第63巻第3号(2011), 257-280
  8. 「オイラーとガウスの超幾何」数学セミナー2014年3月号
  9. 「微分方程式とガロア理論」数理科学2015年4月号
  10. 「階乗からガンマ関数へ」数学セミナー2015年10月号
  11. 「微分積分で学ぶこと」数学セミナー2019年4月号
  12. 「開かれなかった熊本大学での秋の学会」数学セミナー2020年12月号