
 Quantum beam    

3D Active site science Laboratory


Recent News


19 June (Wed)

Professor Hirohisa Endo (Emeritus professor at Kyoto University and SH’s supervisor) passes away at the age of 94. May they rest in peace.

7 June (Fri)

25th Meeting on Superionic Conductors (88th Meeting on Solid State Ionics) is held at Matsue Telsa from 5th.

9 May (Thu)

A paper ’Collective dynamics of liquid sulphur across the polymerisation transition temperature probed by inelastic x-ray scattering’ is accepted to publish in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. Phonon dynamics of liquid sulphur is investigated across the polymerisation transition temperature by inelastic x-ray scattering experiment. 

15 February (Thu)

SH visits Dr. Ivan Kaban of Technische Universität Dresden.

1 February (Thu)

A paper ’Local- and intermediate-range partial structure study of As-Se glasses’ is introduced in JPS Hot Topics.

20 January (Sun)

A paper ‘Atomic and electronic structures on a mordenite zeolite’  is published in e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 22, 25-31 (2024). Atomic and electronic structures of typical zeolite of mordenite were measured and the results were found to consistent with a density functional theory.

02 January (Tue)

A paper ’Improved data analysis for molecular dynamics in liquid CCl4’ is published in Journal of Molecular Liquids 395, 123828-1-8 (2024). The origin of the fast sound in liquid CCl4 appeared in inelastic x-ray scattering is clarified by a new analytical technique.



Kumamoto University

Institute of Industrial Nanomaterial Special Professor

2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 860-8555, JAPAN

Kurokami South S6 Building, Room 204

Tel./Fax. 096-342-3891

E-mail: shhosokawa (at) kumamoto-


Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) (Hyper-Ordered Structure Science) : Publicly offered researcher

CREST: researcher