Infinite-dimensional Representation Theory Seminar
Venue:黒髪南キャンパス理学部三号館D401 (#D401, Kurokami South E3)
Date:2020/2/7(Fri) 16:30-
Speaker:Thomas Creutzig (Alberta)
Title: VOAs: From representation theory to physics
Abstract: Vertex operator algebras (VOAs) often serve as a bridge connecting interesting problems. I aim to explain such an exciting connection to non-experts. The problem are representations of affine Lie superalgebras and related W-superalgebras and their connection to geometry and physics.
I will introduce VOA-analogues of the space of functions on a compact Lie group. Then I will explain what these VOAs tell us about equivalences of representation categories of different VOAs and how they are motivated from dualities in four-dimensional gauge theories.
Date:2020/2/20(Thu) 16:30-
Speaker:David Ridout (Melbourne)
Title: Staggered modules for the Virasoro algebra
Organizer: 川節和哉(熊本大学大学院先導機構) (Kazuya Kawasetsu (Kumamoto))